WMBC supports various global workers and ministries through Faith Promise. Faith Promise month is held in August. The pledges from Faith Promise help determine the support level for our global workers and ministries. 

The second Sunday of every month is Global Sunday. You will be hearing updates on the various global workers and ministries we support. The Global Outreach (GO) Team also meets after second service every second Sunday of the month. 


    Aaron and Karyn began field work in Thailand in 2015. 

    Aaron grew up at White Mountain Bible Church, the grandson of the first pastor, Harold Beckner and son of long-time global workers Joyce & Larry Beckner. In Thailand they will be work with the Garden of Hope, working with children at risk of human trafficking.

    Aaron - Aug. 24, 1973

    Karyn - May 23, 1975

    Jonas - Aug. 18, 1998

    Elyssa - Jan. 24, 2001

    Micah - Aug. 8, 2005

    To send notes of encouragement: 15 Fenchurch Ln, Bella Vista, AR 72715 or

  • C*RD*V*S

    Working in Jordan with churches ministering to the refugees.

  • Ben & Aleyamma Joseph

    Mission Field: Arizona State University International community

    • Nearly 15,000 from 132 Nations
    • 84% are from the 10/40 windows - the least evangelized people
    • God is bringing many Chinese scholars to ASU (All of them already have a Phd and they are at ASU for 11 months)
    • Some have children and we have a children’s track with 10-15 in attendance ages 6-11.
    • Thanks to C3 (Campus Christian Center), a place to call home!
    • Pray for…
    • More volunteers to be part of the children’s outreach ministry

    -Those who have gone back to China will find a Church home

    -God will bring those who are seeking for something more than a degree or the American dream!


    Paul and Leah were called to the mission field on September 2, 2000. They are currently serving in Kenya Paul works with various pastors and students at the bible college. He and Leah also work with orphans and widows in the area. He is moving into Church Planting as well.


    Paul - July 7

    Leah - October 13

    To send notes of encouragement, address them to PO Box 84, Kijabe 00220, Kenya

    For more information, go to


    Peter and Laurinda Mordh serve as missionaries in Manilla. Peter works as the church planting pastor in a Philippine church. His time is spent teaching, evangelizing and in pastoral training.

  • Pastor Niko

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  • Pastor Joseph

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  • S*D*RS

    Bruce, Pam and their children, have been ministering to leaders within the unreached people groups, coaching and educating them to work within these difficult countries. They teach the natives to reach their own people group with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

    Pray for them for strength in this spiritual battle, continued wisdom in reaching out to the lost and a growing vitality in their walk with Jesus to be spiritually attractive to those who don't yet believe in Jesus.

    Due to the sensitive nature of their ministry, please direct notes of encouragement through the church office. 

    Birthdays Bruce - June 26

    Pam - October 4

    Daniela - February 20

    Jordan - April 12

    For more information on this type of work, go to 


    Kelly and Cherise entered the field in 2005 and have served in South Africa during that time. Kelley grew up here at WMBC. Their children include Slindile, FiFi, Bongeka, Zoe and Wyatt. Currently they are doing rural outreach to the Zulu people, AIDS orphans, and widows through healthcare, clinics, emergency food parcels, school uniforms, HIV teasting, sports, counseling etc. Through building relationships, they have been able to show the love of Christ through the Word and through deeds.  Prayer requests include more stable internet, like-minded co-workers, and finances.

    Birthdays: Kelly - November 1

    Cherise - March 12

    Slindile - July 16

    Fifi - October 10

    Bongeka - February 15

    Zoe - October 24

    Wyatt - December 17

    To send encouragement, the Smith's address is PO Box 55, Umkomaas 4170, South Africa. 

    To find out more about their ministry, go to

  • Sound Doctrine Ministries - Walter Otieno

    Uganda has many Christian church, but also many untrained pastors who are not familiar with proper Bible study methods, or often preach the prosperity gospel. Sound Doctrine Ministries is a "traveling seminary" that teaches and equips pastors in remote areas throughout Uganda. Walter is a native Ugandan who heads this ministry. 

  • Bread of Life Mission

    Our Mission is to provide spiritual guidance and physical assistance including shelter, food and vocational training to people in need, 

    in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to help them recognize and deal with their problems in a life changing manner.

    Make your life more meaningful as you share the true spirit of helping others. God has blessed us so that we

    can be a blessing to those in need. “A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the

    poor.” Proverbs 22:9

    People just like you & me, driven by circumstances, homelessness, in crisis, desperation, and abandoned,

    every age group, every reason. Bread of Life Mission, even when full, won’t turn them away. Nearly all are

    alone. We will welcome them with open arms, because that is what Jesus would do.

    Visit for more information.

  • Operation Christmas Child

    From October through November, WMBC collects shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.

  • VOM

    The Voice of the Martyrs is a non-profit, inter-denominational Christian organization dedicated to assisting the persecuted church worldwide. VOM was founded in 1967 by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who was imprisoned fourteen years in Communist Romania for his faith in Christ. His wife, Sabina, was imprisoned for three years. In the 1960s, Richard, Sabina, and their son, Mihai, were ransomed out of Romania and came to the United States. Through their travels, the Wurmbrands spread the message of atrocities that Christians face in restricted nations, while establishing a network of offices dedicated to assisting the persecuted church. 

    One way VOM assists the persecuted church is by sending in bibles. With our donations given through our Faith Promise, ten bibles are sent to various countries were the believers are requesting bibles. Through the Bibles Unbound program, WMBC has sent bibles to China, Afghanistan and Nepal. 

    For more information, go to or

  • White Mountain Christian Academy

    As an affiliate ministry of White Mountain Bible Church, the church community invests in WMCA spiritually through prayer and physically by supporting the faculty in their mission to produce students who have the mind of Christ. 


The Global Outreach Team is responsible for distributing the funds collected through Faith Promise, praying for our various Global workers and coordinating any visits from the workers or leaders within the ministries supported.

  • Wayne Burdett (chairman)

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  • Anita Bromley (secretary)

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  • Kim Fernau

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  • Ron Miller

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  • Dave Larson

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  • Randy Walters

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  • Gail Kotterman

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