upcoming events

Check out what's happening in Elevation Kids.  Click here to register for upcoming events.

    • 7th- Wednesday Nights start up; 6:00pm-7:30pm
    • 21st- Jingle Jam Parent Meeting 4:30pm

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    • 2nd- Offices closed

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    • 2nd- Club 56 Game Night
    • 7th-11th- Fall Break; no Wednesday nights
    • 19th- Club 56 Nerf War 9am-12pm

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    • 20th- Truth Seekers/Club 56 Christmas Party
    • 27th- Thanksgiving; No Wednesday night

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    • 4th- Family Dinner/Jingle Jam
    • Family Services- 22nd/29th
    • No Wednesday nights until January

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Sports  Camp!

Thank you to our amazing families for a fantastic week of sports camp!