White Mountain Bible Church exists to help people love God, love one another, and love our neighbor. 

Our Sunday morning services are in the sanctuary at

8:30am and 10:30am

Connection time will be from 10:00am-10:30am in the gym

Nursery, Preschool, and Junior Church are all happening during our 10:30am service

We welcome you to join us in worship and the teaching of God's Word.

upcoming events

  • Men's Fourth Monday - Men’s Fourth Monday is resuming on January 27th at 5:45pm. Pastor Randy will be teaching that evening. Please sign up in the gym so we can prepare dinner for everyone.

  • Congregational Meeting - Our next congregational meeting will be at 4:30pm on January 26th here at church. This is a time to hear updates from our ministries as we look back, and also to see what is upcoming. 

  • Valentine's Dinner - Our annual Valentine’s dinner for our couples (married, engaged, or dating) will be Friday, February 14th at 5:30pm in the gym. This is a special dinner, so the dress code is dressy casual. Reservations are required by February 9th, so please sign up in the gym. Childcare is provided. More details are provided on this flyer.

  • Coffee With The Pastor - Still getting to know WMBC? Come to Coffee with the Pastor between services on Sunday, February 2nd. This is a time to talk to the elders and deacons and ask any questions you have. Come at 10am to room B102 and get to know us a little better

  • Membership Class - If you are interested in learning about membership or becoming a member of WMBC, please sign up for our Membership Class which will be held during second service at 10:30am in room B102. Part one is Sunday, February 9th and part two is February 16th. Attendance to both parts is required.  

  • Baptism Class - We will be having a baptism class during second service at 10:30am on Sunday, February 23rd in room B102. This is for anyone who has not been baptized and wants to learn more about baptism.