White Mountain Bible Church exists to help people love God, love one another, and love our neighbor. 

Our Sunday morning services are in the gym at

8:30am and 10:30am

Connection time will be from 10:00am-10:30am in the sanctuary

Adult Sunday School is at 10:30 in room B102

Nursery, Preschool, and Junior Church are all happening during our 10:30am service

We welcome you to join us in worship and the teaching of God's Word.

upcoming events

  • Men's Conference: Mountain Men’s Conference is a new event that will be September 20th-21st. The theme will be To Love and To Lead: God’s Design for Men, taught by Pastor Randy and Pastor Charles Fiore. This conference will include dinner together Friday night and breakfast Saturday morning in addition to times of study and teaching with Randy and Charles. There is a sign up in the sanctuary. For more details contact Jack Francis and check out this flyer

  • Church Picnic: On Saturday, September 28th at 1pm we are having our church picnic at Fool Hollow Lake. The church will be providing burgers, hotdogs and buns. Please bring either your favorite side, salad, chips or dessert to share! There will be all manner of games, a playground for the kids, and face painting. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

  • Ladies' Bible Studies - Check out our Women's Ministry page for several new Bible studies that are starting soon!

  • Moving the Worship Center - We will be moving the worship center back to the Sanctuary. We would appreciate your help moving things on Friday, October 4th at 8:30am. Services will resume in the Sanctuary starting October 6th

  • Coffee with the PastorStill getting to know WMBC? Come to Coffee with the Pastors between services on Sunday, October 6th. This is a time to talk to the elders, deacons and staff and ask any questions you have. Come at 10am to room A110 and get to know us a little better.

  • Membership Class - If you are interested in learning about membership or becoming a member of WMBC, our next membership class will be October 12th from 9:30am - 1:30pm. Please sign up in the sanctuary. Lunch will be provided.