White Mountain Bible Church exists to help people love God, love one another, and love our neighbor. 

Our Sunday morning services are in the sanctuary at

8:30am and 10:30am

Connection time will be from 10:00am-10:30am in the gym

Nursery, Preschool, and Junior Church are all happening during our 10:30am service

We welcome you to join us in worship and the teaching of God's Word.

upcoming events

  • 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World - February 28th marks the first day of the 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World. This is a time of concentrated prayer when Christians worldwide ask God to turn hearts away from Islam and to Jesus. This time happens yearly during Ramadan when Muslims are especially hoping to hear from God. Anita Bromley is handing out booklets on Sunday to guide you in prayer. There are some kids booklets as well. See her with any further questions.

  • Baptism Class - We will be having a baptism class during second service at 10:30am on Sunday, February 23rd in room B102. This is for anyone who has not been baptized and wants to learn more about baptism.

  • Clothing Exchange - Our annual clothing exchange will be Sunday morning, February 23rd during both services in the gym. If you have cleaned out your closets and need a place to bring your items, you can begin bringing items to Shayna’s office the first week of February. This is a time for us as a church to meet the needs of those in our body as according to Acts 2:42-47. During our Clothing Exchange there will be bags for you to grab and take anything that fits the needs of your family. Anything left will be taken to Bread of Life Mission. 

  • RSM Mexico Yard Sale FundraiserAs you’re cleaning out your closets for the clothing exchange, set aside any donations for Rise Student Ministries’ Mexico Yard Sale Fundraiser. Our youth group is headed to Mexico at the end of May to build a home for a family there. All proceeds from the yard sale on March 15th will help cover student costs. Donations will be accepted starting March 10th.

  • Missions Interest - There is a sign up sheet in the gym for those who want to express interest in a short term missions trip to Jordan to help Barry Cordova, Pastor Raed and Phillip in October 2025. See Jack Francis with questions.