White Mountain Bible Church exists to help people love God, love one another, and love our neighbor. 

Our Sunday morning services are in the sanctuary at

8:30am and 10:30am

Connection time will be from 10:00am-10:30am in the gym

Nursery, Preschool, and Junior Church are all happening during our 10:30am service

We welcome you to join us in worship and the teaching of God's Word.

upcoming events

  • Operation Christmas Child - Operation Christmas Child (OCC) has begun! Boxes are available in the foyer for you to take home and fill with gifts for children around the world. If you have questions on how to fill a box, check out this link. Please return your filled boxes to church by November 24th before second service starts. 

  • Jingle Jam - Our children's ministry's annual Jingle Jam will be December 4th. Dinner will be at 6:00 and Jingle Jam will be at 7:00 in the sanctuary. Come join us for this family experience where we connect fun and games to the hope of Christ coming as a baby. 

  • Financial Peace University - We will be offering a 9 week class from Ramsey Solutions Financial Peace University starting January 8th to March 5th on Wednesday nights from 6:00pm-7:30pm. This class is for those looking for ways to save money, get out of debt, and prepare for retirement. Wayne and Shari Schlecht will be coordinating this class and there is no age limit for those who want to attend. Sign up will begin on November 3rd.

  • Women's Christmas Luncheon - Our annual Christmas Luncheon will be on December 14th at 10:30am. Tickets will only be on sale between services November 3rd and 10th, so please bring your cash or check with you to church those days. Tickets are $20 each. For young ladies 17 years of age and under, they are $10. Our speaker this year is our own Barbara Darland.

  • Turkey Dinner - On Sunday, November 24th, we will have our church-wide turkey dinner at 4:30pm. We would love to have everyone come and fellowship together during this special meal. Invite your friends and neighbors too! Please sign up on Sunday and let us know what dish you will bring to share. Last names A-M please bring a side and N-Z bring a dessert. The church will provide the turkey.